What is #GoLO?

GoLO, Gregg on Living Out, is the new show coming to DiGn2it Radio with host, me, Gregg Potter.  This new show will look at what we do as human beings and allies, to fully live out.  Life is difficult and more and more barriers are constantly getting placed on us. The difficulty may look different from person to person, and the barriers equally different, but we still have room to live to our fullest.  As a gay man, one way I live out is out of the closet.  Living out of the closet does not look the same for all gay and lesbian people but whether we are gay, straight, brown, white, woman, rich, poor, we all have the ability to choose to live out and to our fullest in different ways.  When we do this, we are more vulnerable to each other and can better find common ground.  This new show will blend personalities, discuss current events, and examine philosophies to better define living out and where we can find common ground. GoLO will explore all this while using humor, adult conversation, and sometimes a little wine.  You are invited to join us, add your thoughts, and get involved with the conversation.  This is #GoLO!

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