My Life: 200 Words

I recently applied for a fellowship. At the end of this application, after six short essay questions of a maximum of 150 words, was my final essay question: What’s your story? 200 words.

This is my big essay? First, I thought. Done! Then I realized, no, this will take some work. It took a bit of time to figure how I was going to explain my journey in a couple paragraphs. I had no clue how to get my essence into this space. I dare you to try it. Not being a simple task, it was extremely empowering. It forced me to look at my experiences and dissect it down to the base. I was very satisfied with what I came up with and hope it challenges others to look at their lives objectively.

Here is what I came up with:

I often say, “I’m the luckiest boy from a trailer park who’s ever lived!” I am! This journey probably wasn’t intended for me.  Despite that, I’ve made it mine!

My beginning was a unique hometown of 400 people. My base was strong mother and grandmother guidance. My turning point was my 21st year.

Attending the University of Wisconsin, I topped my goals, but became void of passion. Finding myself homeless for the following school year (humorously tragic), I created an opportunity. Middle of winter, without a plan or forethought, I decided to move to Las Vegas. This move, following a three months discovering Cuba, creating an advantageous trajectory a soothsayer couldn’t have seen.

In Vegas, I defined my adulthood, made bad choices, and was honest about my sexuality. I also graduated college, overcame other life changing challenges, and solidified my necessity for strong urban families. Vegas also introduced me to a new best friend: my father.

My story is that of spontaneity and trust; Growing up poor, executing dreams, and respecting the “entirety” of it all. My story is life without borders, transcending belief systems forcing positive change. Ultimately… my story is an all-inclusive, unconditional verve for life.

2 thoughts on “My Life: 200 Words

  1. I am so thankful that our paths crossed in college and that social media has allowed us to reconnect and watch each other grow and search for bliss. Love you.

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